Easter HAF

See below poster and Application Form for HAF over Easter Holidays.

Christmas Party

On the 18th December we held our Turning Heads Christmas party. Amazing turn out with 92 people coming for dinner, a disco and entertainment. Fantastic event, lovely to see everyone dressed up and enjoying the festivities before Christmas. Huge thank you to everyone for their hard work.

Christmas HAF

This Christmas, we ran our third HAF programme and welcomed over 25 children to The Windmill Centre to take part in a range of art and craft activities, cooking, gaming and lots of silly festive games.

Here are some of the images from the programme.

Really delighted to see some new faces and some regulars and we begin planning and looking forward to Easter HAF.

Day Services Update

Our day services at the Windmill Centre will re-open on Wednesday 3rd January and Friday 5th January.

We will then be closed for the following week due to maintenance work at the community centre. There will be NO DAY SERVICES running the 8th, 10th and 12th January.

We will then be open as normal from MONDAY 15th JANUARY.


Monday and Wednesday – 9am until 4pm

Friday – 9am until 3pm

Christmas Family Meal Support

This Christmas school holiday, do not go hungry.

If you have children who are on free school meals then please see our family support offer.

This is all being funded by Nightshift Pest Control Ltd who have kindly donated £500 towards this offer.

Christmas HAF

This Christmas we will be running the school holiday activity programme from The Windmill Centre.

We have lots of craft activities, art workshops and we also have the gamezone van.

There are 22 places for children on free school meals and 8 places for children on non-free school meals.

Please complete the sign up form and get it to me asap so that we can book your place.

National Lottery Awards for All

We are pleased to announce that the National Lottery Awards for All have agreed to help fund our ongoing Tuesday social group.

This group only started in February but regularly has 30 people attending.

We try to have 1 week on site at our centre in Plainmoor and then the following week is an activity or event in the community. Events have included bowling, cinema and restuarant trips aswell as beach bbq’s and theatre trips.

If you are looking to get involved in more social activities then please email June and and come and join this evening group.


On 24th, we celebrated Halloween with a party that over 90 people attended. It was fantastic to see so many great costumes and everyone making such an effort. Huge thank you to Rock The Crowd DJ who were amazing, Sophie for pulling the whole event together and Emma for doing the fundraising. Lots of great pictures are on our Facebook page but here are a few highlights.

Happy Halloween!